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- NTN H244849D/H244810A+A Double Row Bearings
- 0.6250 in
- 17300 lb

- NTN 432238 Double Row Bearings
- Oil-Impregnated Bronze
- Static 20000 / Dynamic 4000 (psi)

- NTN 432224XU Double Row Bearings
- 1.0000 in
- 2150 lbf

- NTN CRD-6132 Double Row Bearings
- Two-Bolt Base
- 3.6875 in

- NTN LM665949/LM665910D+A Double Row Bearings
- 40 mm
- Set Screw

- NTN EE333137/333203D+A Double Row Bearings
- 2.9375 in
- 3.0000 in

- NTN CRI-3015 Double Row Bearings
- 1/2 in
- +10 to +220 °F

- NTN EE755281D/755360G2+A Double Row Bearings
- 6.0000 in
- Exceptional Bearing Protection, Rotating Applications, Pumps, Gearboxes, Motors, Energy Efficient Applications, Primary Metals Industry, Steel Industry, Aluminum Industry, Pulp and Paper Industry, Che

- NTN T-M241549/M241510D+A Double Row Bearings
- T-M241549/M241510D+A

- NTN CRI-2054 Double Row Bearings
- Flanged Sleeve
- 0.65 m/s

- NTN 323130 Double Row Bearings
- (2) Inner Ring
- Brass

- NTN CRD-6116 Double Row Bearings
- 65 mm
- Not Rated